Art Created for the Art Above Violence shows is used to create other products that continue to support Victims and survivors.
Art Above Violence
Courageous - Kelly Lewis Spiral notebook
Open Doors - Sueyel Palma Jigsaw puzzle
Glass jar soy wax candle
Watch me soar - Shanna Robb Fanny Pack
Healing of the Mind by Sueyel Palma Eco Tote Bag
Spiral notebook
Laptop Sleeve
$30.00 - $35.00
$30.00 - $35.00
Change of the Seasons Tote bag
I am perfectly capable - By Chrisa Laos - Fanny Pack
Healing the Heart - Shantilly Brewer - Beach Bag
Crop Hoodie
$42.00 - $45.00
$42.00 - $45.00
Refugio Seguro (Safe Haven) Canvas
Flourishing Inner Child Canvas
$37.50 - $95.50
$37.50 - $95.50
Cascade Canvas
$17.50 - $34.00
$17.50 - $34.00
A Change of Seasons Canvas
$18.50 - $21.00
$18.50 - $21.00