Sexual Assault
What is Sexual Assault?
Sexual Assault/Abuse is sexual contact without consent. Contact can include rape, inappropriate/unwanted touching, incest and attempted rape.
Rape is not about sex – it’s about using sex as a violent weapon...
¿Qué es asalto sexual?
El asalto sexual es cualquier acto sexual no deseado cometido contra una persona por medio de manipulación, presión, chantajes, coacción, fuerza física, e intento de violación.
Reporting Options
A Rise Advocate can assist you at any time.
We can be at the hospital with you or be with you if you decide to speak with a law enforcement officer. You did not decide to be victimized. A rapist decided to rape. Call our 24-hour hotline at (970) 264-9075 any time, day or night. We're here to listen and support you!
Sexual Assault/Abuse is sexual contact without consent. Contact can include rape, inappropriate/unwanted touching, incest and attempted rape.
Rape is not about sex – it’s about using sex as a violent weapon...
- A sexual assault occurs every 45 seconds in the United States.
- 84% of all sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows.
- 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 3 girls are sexually abused before the age of 18.
- Only 16% of rapes are reported to police, making rape the most under-reported felony crime.
¿Qué es asalto sexual?
El asalto sexual es cualquier acto sexual no deseado cometido contra una persona por medio de manipulación, presión, chantajes, coacción, fuerza física, e intento de violación.
- Una violación no es sobre intimidad sexual, es usar la intimidad como un arma violenta.
- Asalto sexual ocurre cada 45 segundos en los Estados Unidos.
- 84% del asalto sexual es cometido por alguien cometido de la victima
- 1 en 6 niños y 1 en tres niñas son abusadas sexual mente antes de los 18 años.
- Únicamente 16% de las violaciones sexuales son reportadas a la policía, por lo tanto, es uno de los delitos de alto crimen no reportados.
Reporting Options
- Law Enforcement Report - You can report the assault to a law enforcement officer. An investigation will be completed and potential criminal charges made against your assailant.
- Medical Report - You can chose to obtain medical attention at any time. One aspect of the medical report is a medical forensic exam that gathers any evidence. You are not required to make a report to law enforcement even if you choose this exam. Any evidence collected will be released to law enforcement with your name and contact information. You can choose to have evidence tested. If you choose not to have it tested, it will be stored for at least 2 years by local law enforcement. At any time after initially deciding not to report to law enforcement, you can change your mind and file a law enforcement report.
- Anonymous Report - You can choose to obtain a medical forensic exam, but not participate in the criminal justice system. Evidence and information is collected and released to law enforcement WITHOUT your name or any identifying information. Instead the evidence will have a unique tracking number. This type of report can not have evidence collected, but again, will be stored for 2 years by local law enforcement. At any time after initially deciding not to report to law enforcement, you can change your mind and file a law enforcement report.
A Rise Advocate can assist you at any time.
We can be at the hospital with you or be with you if you decide to speak with a law enforcement officer. You did not decide to be victimized. A rapist decided to rape. Call our 24-hour hotline at (970) 264-9075 any time, day or night. We're here to listen and support you!